PRAJNA BALI would like you to know that your trust is respected
and met with confidentiality and anonymity.

PRAJNA BALI enquiry form

Thank you for reaching out to PRAJNA BALI.

We provide the expertise, support, empathy and understanding to guide our clientele on the road to sustainable wellness and balanced health.

Based on the information you share with us, we will be able to get back to you with a proposal for your program, a potential start date, program duration and costs. This proposal will be subject to your review and feedback.

Please fill in this form so our PRAJNA BALI team may begin to assess your challenges. Once we have received your first details an online meeting (WA, Zoom) will be scheduled to further address your situation and your goals.

Please rest assured that every discussion you have with PraJna Bali is commitment-free, confidential and never shared with anyone.