
Acupuncture is a key component in Chinese Medicine in emotional crisis management. It works on the body’s meridians in order to clear energy blocks and make way for the normal flow of qi (“life energy”) throughout the body. This technique involves inserting the tip of fine-pointed needles into specific points on the body, to promote healing and relieve symptoms of ill health. Acupuncture is accepted by most medical associations and protocols of evidence-based medicine as a safe and efficient treatment for a range of conditions, including treatment for mild depression, burnout treatment, anxiety, panic attacks and many more.


Acupressure triggers the same points as acupuncture to release muscular tensions, stimulate the body’s natural self-curative abilities and balance the emotions. It reaches to the core of many of the emotional disorders and stress-related physical problems.  Though acupuncture is predominantly an element of Traditional Chinese Medicine, acupressure is used by a variety of different healing modalities.  In Ayurveda, acupressure points are known as “Marma points”, and may be manipulated to improve the flow of energy in the body.  Activating certain acupressure points in the body can play a part in burnout treatment and treatment for mild depression. 

There are also acupressure points for regaining stability, clearing the mind, reducing cravings, and heightening morale, self-esteem, and self-confidence.  These are practical coping tools for clients to work on emotional issues at home, for lasting success in changing habitual mental and emotional patterns, beliefs and hidden programs.

Self-care routines with step-by-step instructions  to use anywhere and anytime will enable you to participate actively in your own healing.

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